On 25 November 2019 the Bank of Lithuania approved the base prospectus for the programme the offering of bonds of Auga group, AB in the amount of up to EUR 60 million and admission thereof to trading on the Baltic Bond List of Nasdaq Vilnius AB.
Prospectus for the programme the offering of bonds of Auga group, AB
AUGA group confirmed the final terms of the first tranche of its green bonds programme, which was offered for subscription on December 2-12 2019.
Terms of the first tranche of green bonds programme
The bond programme of the company was evaluated by the Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), which provides second opinion for the majority of green bonds issued around the world.
AUGA group Green bond framework (PDF)
AUGA group Green bond framework (Eesti) (PDF)
CICERO second opinion (PDF)
Green Bond Report, 2023 (PDF)
Green Bond Report, 2022 (PDF)
Reduced personal income tax rate application to bond interest received by a tax non-resident of Lithuania (PDF)
16 December, 2022 AUGA group, AB protocol of Bondholders meeting